Organized by Kristen Hileman and Rachelle Dang


Group I 

January 30-February 6, 2023 

Public opening on Friday, February 3, 6 to 8 pm 


Group II 

February 15-22, 2023  

Public opening on Friday, February 17, 6 to 8pm   

Friday receptions are open to the public. All visitors must be fully vaccinated and boosted. Proof of vaccination/booster is required. Masks are strongly recommended and may be required in the galleries at the discretion of the school during receptions based on capacity and visitor policies. 


During all other gallery hours, exhibitions are only open to the Yale Community (current ID holders) and their invited accompanied guests.  

Group I: Alexandria Couch, Stephano Espinoza Galarza, Daniela Gomez Paz, Jonathan Herrera Soto, Soren Hope, Christopher Paul Jordan, Fiza Khatri, Estelle Maisonett, Tura OliveiraCan Yağız, Ang Ziqi Zhang  


Group II: Emmanuel Amoakohene, Hunter Foster, Rina Goldfield, Nina Hartmann, Erick Alejandro Hernández, Natia Lemay, Phoebe Little, Maya Perry, Gabriela Rassi, Bryan Ali Sanchez, María Vargas Aguilar  


Exhibition identity by Jisung Park (@hooroot) and Cat Wentworth (@catwent) Graphic Design MFAs '23