My practice is an ongoing investigation of information systems and systems of belief, especially in the form of the digital image. My work aims to understand the different modes of dissemination by isolating and utilizing their methods. The body of work ultimately functions as its own unique system, an alphabet of relational shapes and images vibrating with subliminal histories from cycles of collective usage. 

I use images collected through an ongoing research practice, often archived from corners of the internet and various alternative information sources. I’m interested in the journey of the image and how its meaning and legitimacy is altered through reappropriation and recontextualization. Generation loss is used as brushstroke as I embrace the loss and gain of information through every channel the image travels through, illuminating the invisible systems it exists within. 

Stock photos become iconography within these modes of investigation; a search for meaning during a global loss of faith in institutional structures and learned histories. The degradation of the image mirrors the collapse of a mutually agreed upon reality.

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