My artistic practice centers around transforming everyday objects into anthropomorphic forms, where the material world splits and reconverges, entangling matter to flow, move, and propel forward. I cut, snip, paint, construct, integrate found objects, building materials, and manipulate steel into corporeal assemblages. This process responds to the embodied and disembodied experiences inscribed with societal expectations and norms. Through exploring an aesthetic of repulsion and attraction, my work holds the tension between fragility and strength, trauma and renewal, and tenderness and violence. It reflects how knowledge and understanding are intertwined with history, culture, and power. By delinking from the logic and grammar of modernity and coloniality, I carve out a space for alternative epistemologies and ways of knowing. Through my use of materials and processes, I metaphorically represent the ways in which the body is transformed, exhausted, and reclaimed in the face of oppression.